Researchers discover method for preventing limescale

From cloudy glasses to deposits in dishwashers—limescale is a ubiquitous problem. An international research collaboration led…

Environmental scientists explain why so many tree species going extinct is so bad for the planet

A team of environmental scientists has written a follow-up paper to their study published last year…

Researchers discover toxin that kills bacteria in unprecedented ways

Researchers at McMaster University have discovered a previously unknown bacteria-killing toxin that could pave the way…

Artificial breathing system reveals alveoli function in lungs

Alveoli are the basic functional units of the human respiratory system, acting as tiny air sacs…

A cosmologist, cultural historian, and neurosurgeon discuss the power of awe and the cosmos

The images to emerge from the James Webb Space Telescope have captured details of the cosmos…

Bees use patterns, not just colors, to find flowers

Honeybees rely heavily on flower patterns—not just colors—when searching for food, new research shows. …

Webb telescope finds brown dwarf with dust clouds in its atmosphere

The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) captured images of a brown dwarf with silicate particles in…

The double life of Sp1: A protein's new role upends thinking about its impact on cancer

For four decades, Specificity Protein 1 (Sp1) has been cast solely as a transcription factor, a…

Is it selfish for Norwegians to complain about electricity prices?

Norwegians have become accustomed to low electricity rates for generations because the country has so much…

Employing microorganisms to counter major disease affecting beef industry

The little things living in a calf’s nose could be key to combating bovine respiratory disease,…