Scientists discover superconductor with bounce

The U.S. Department of Energy's Ames Laboratory has discovered extreme "bounce," or super-elastic shape-memory properties in…

Scientists discover superconductor with bounce

The U.S. Department of Energy's Ames Laboratory has discovered extreme "bounce," or super-elastic shape-memory properties in…

Moment of impact: A journey into the Chicxulub Crater

When the Chicxulub asteroid slammed into Earth about 66 million years ago, it obliterated 80 percent…

Scientists discover superconductor with bounce

Scientists have discovered extreme 'bounce,' or super-elastic shape-memory properties in a material that could be applied…

New Peruvian bird species discovered by its song

A new species of bird from the heart of Peru remained undetected for years until researchers…

Possible new anti-TB treatment path

As part of the long effort to improve treatment of tuberculosis (TB), microbiologists report that they…

Better food choices near schools for healthier teeth

There's something endearing about the crooked, gapped-tooth smiles of children whose permanent teeth are coming in.…

Herbicide’s link to Parkinson’s disease

Scientists have revealed how oxidative stress explains a common herbicide's link to risk of Parkinson's disease.

Stephen Hawking’s Ph.D thesis goes online, website crashes

LONDON (AP) -- Cambridge University has put Stephen Hawking's doctoral thesis online, triggering such interest that…

Stephen Hawking’s Ph.D thesis goes online, website crashes

LONDON (AP) -- Cambridge University has put Stephen Hawking's doctoral thesis online, triggering such interest that…