Nanoscale islands dot light-driven catalyst

Individual nanoscale nuggets of gold, copper, aluminum, silver and other metals that capture light's energy and…

Assessing regional earthquake risk and hazards in the age of exascale

With emerging exascale supercomputers, researchers will soon be able to accurately simulate the ground motions of…

Mysterious dimming of Tabby’s Star may be caused by dust

One of the most mysterious stellar objects may be revealing some of its secrets at last.

Global Carbon Budget 2016

Abstract: Accurate assessment of anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and their redistribution among the atmosphere, ocean,…

Study pokes holes in fetal alcohol hypothesis

A new study appears to challenge the theory that cells in the brain's immune system are…

Nanoscale islands dot light-driven catalyst

Scientists have combined aluminum nanoparticles and smaller metal particles to create a versatile nanostructure that could…

Why Zika became more dangerous: Discovery offers clues

Virus with a certain sugar in its protein envelope more readily passes to the brain in…

Milky way’s ‘most-mysterious star’ continues to confound

In 2015, a star called KIC 8462852 caused quite a stir in and beyond the astronomy…

White House adviser: Phase out Social Security number as ID

A cybersecurity adviser to President Donald Trump is pushing to phase out the use of Social…

Will your job be automated? 70 percent of Americans say no

Most Americans believe their jobs are safe from the spread of automation and robotics, at least…