The material that obscures supermassive black holes

New research examines the material that obscures active galactic nuclei obtained from infrared and X-ray observations.

Discovering what makes organelles connect could help explain neurodegenerative diseases

Organelles must exchange signals and materials to make the cell operate correctly. New technologies are allowing…

Violent crime increases during warmer weather, no matter the season, study finds

A study analyzing crime data in Philadelphia for 10 years found that rates of violent crime…

Streamlined process opens drug development to a new class of steroids

Researchers have developed a technique to produce synthetic steroids that could pave the way for a…

After 15 years in a vegetative state, nerve stimulation restores consciousness

A 35-year-old man who had been in a vegetative state for 15 years after a car…

Tension makes the heart grow stronger

By taking videos of a tiny beating zebrafish heart as it reconstructs its covering in a…

Are children who see movie characters use guns more likely to use them?

Children who watched a PG-rated movie clip containing guns played with a disabled real gun longer…

Big brains in birds provides survival advantage

Scientists have discovered that brainier birds are better able to colonize inhospitable places.

Antibody protects against Zika and dengue, mouse study shows

The same countries hard hit by Zika virus -- which can cause brain damage in babies…

Autism’s gender patterns

Having one child with autism is a well-known risk factor for having another one with the…