Ham radio in National Geographic film Before Mars

The National Geographic channel have announced the release of the short film Before Mars which is…

Raspberry Pi could generate ISS HamTV video

The ARISS meeting minutes for August 16, 2016 cover the discussion about using a Raspberry Pi…

IARU issue Amateur-Satellite Service spectrum requirements

The IARU has released a revised edition of Spectrum Requirements for the Amateur and Amateur-Satellite Services.…

ESEO Project Update October 2016

A team of three from AMSAT-UK and Surrey Space Centre visited Forli in Italy in mid-October…

ISS Columbus ham radio HT inoperative

The Ericsson VHF handheld transceiver in the ISS Columbus module which is used for amateur radio…

A Geosynchronous Ham Radio Satellite

Gary Pearce KN4AQ has released a video of the Digital Communications Conference presentation by Bob McGwier…

Autumn/Fall issue of OSCAR News now available

E-members of AMSAT-UK can now download the Autumn/Fall edition of OSCAR News here. This edition features…

AlSat-1N and Pratham launch from India

The AlSat-1N and Pratham satellites, both with amateur radio payloads, are launching on the Indian ISRO…

UBSEDS18 around the world balloon

A UK student built balloon carrying APRS and 434 MHz payloads is expected to complete its…

Amateur Satellite 5.7 GHz LNA

The AMSAT-NA site carries a picture showing the mechanical prototype of the 5.7 GHz Low Noise…