Wing supports 4th Mobile User Objective System satellite launch

The U.S. Air Force's 45th Space Wing helped successfully launch the fourth Mobile User Objective System…

NASA Discusses First Ground Tournament Prizes in Cube Quest Challenge

Media are invited to talk with the five top competitors from the first round of the…

LISA Pathfinder launch composite at IABG’s space test centre

LISA Pathfinder launch composite at IABG’s space test centre in Ottobrunn, near Munich, Germany, on 1…

LISA Pathfinder launch composite at IABG’s space test centre

LISA Pathfinder launch composite at IABG’s space test centre in Ottobrunn, near Munich, Germany, on 1…

André Schiele and rover

ESA’s head of telerobotics, André Schiele, introduces journalists to the rover that astronaut Andreas Mogensen is…

Soyuz TMA-18M liftoff

ESA astronaut Andreas Mogensen, commander Sergei Volkov and Aidyn Aimbetov were launched into space on 2…

Andreas Mogensen talking to gathered friends, family and dignitaries

ESA astronaut Andreas Mogensen dressed in his Russian Sokol suit, talking to gathered friends, family and…

Andreas Mogensen dressed in his Russian Sokol suit

ESA astronaut Andreas Mogensen dressed in his Russian Sokol suit, ready for launch to the International…

Andreas Mogensen dressed in his Russian Sokol suit

ESA astronaut Andreas Mogensen dressed in his Russian Sokol suit, ready for launch to the International…

Andreas Mogensen performs the traditional door signing at the Cosmonaut Hotel

ESA astronaut Andreas Mogensen performs the traditional door signing at the Cosmonaut Hotel, prior to departing…