Enhanced test for urinary tract infections detects more bacteria than standard test

One of the primary ways physicians diagnose urinary tract infections is with a test that detects…

Questions raised over physician-assisted suicide

Few issues in medicine have been more controversial in recent years than physician-assisted suicide, with medical…

Breastfeeding may protect against chronic pain after Caesarean section

Breastfeeding after a Caesarean section (C-section) may help manage pain, with mothers who breastfed their babies…

Adding abiraterone to standard treatment improves prostate cancer survival by 40 percent

Adding abiraterone to hormone therapy at the start of treatment for prostate cancer improves survival by…

Immunotherapy drug effective for metastatic triple negative breast cancer

The immunotherapy drug, Pembrolizumab, is effective in shrinking tumors among metastatic triple negative breast cancer patients…

Bed partners may unintentionally contribute to the perpetuation of insomnia

Preliminary results from a new study show that partners of people who have insomnia may try…

New treatment options for patients with advanced BRCA-related breast cancer

Six years ago an international team of physician scientists led a charge to advance clinical testing…

New disposable, wearable patch found to effectively detect sleep apnea

Results of a definitive clinical trial show that a new, disposable diagnostic patch effectively detects obstructive…

Electronic patient-reported symptom monitoring associated with increased survival among patients

The integration of electronic patient-reported outcomes into the routine care of patients with metastatic cancer was…

Babies born to mothers with sleep apnea have higher risk of adverse neonatal outcomes

A new study is the first to demonstrate a higher risk of congenital anomalies and resuscitation…