Key mechanism of DNA replication discovered

Researchers have uncovered a key control mechanism of DNA replication with potential implications for better understanding…

A way to get green revolution crops to be productive without needing so much nitrogen

A team of researchers from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Academy of Agriculture and Forestry…

Understanding Space Weather Part III: the Sun’s Domain [STUB]

Abstract: The Sun exports a continuous outflow of plasma into interplanetary space: the solar wind. The…

Simple Analytical Expressions for Electron Pitch Angle Diffusion Coefficients

Abstract: In the present paper, we have calculated electron pitch angle diffusion coefficients due to resonant…

Soil Moisture Active/Passive (SMAP) L-Band Microwave Radiometer Post-Launch Calibration Upgrade [STUB]

Abstract: Current performance and existing problems in SMAP radiometer L1B_TB version 3 data product are described.…

Individuals shot by police exhibit distinct patterns of recent prior hospitalizations and arrests

A new study finds that more than 50 percent of people with assault-related or legal intervention…

First biomarker evidence of DDT-autism link

A study of more than 1 million pregnancies in Finland reports that elevated levels of a…

Social position determines pregnant women’s exposure to air pollution

A new study analyzes the urban exposome of 30,000 women in nine European cities.

Educational tracking creates artificial inequalities among students

New research shows the structure of educational tracking can lead evaluators to favor high over low…

Childhood exposure to secondhand smoke may increase risk of adult lung disease death

A new study suggests that long-term exposure to secondhand smoke during childhood increases the risk of…