Hitting cancer with high-intensity ultrasound, immunotherapy

In a new study, researchers have shown that combining high-intensity focused ultrasound with two immunotherapies (a…

Cooking family meals, skipping TV during those meals linked to lower odds of obesity

Adults who don’t flip on the TV during dinner and those who eat home-cooked meals are…

Big-game jitters: Coyotes no match for wolves’ hunting prowess

As wolf populations plummeted, the eastern coyote assumed the role of apex predator in forests along…

Overcoming workplace barriers to breastfeeding

For mothers of new infants, going back to work may pose a number of obstacles to…

Study refines filters for greener natural gas

Scientists have mapped out the best materials for either carbon dioxide capture or balancing carbon capture…

Protecting web users’ privacy

A new system has been developed that uses function secret sharing to disguise database queries during…

Critical step in DNA repair, cellular aging pinpointed

The body's ability to repair DNA damage declines with age, which causes gradual cell demise, overall…

Botany: A stem’s ‘sense of self’ contributes to shape

It is well known that as plants grow, their stems and shoots respond to outside signals…

Research consortium develops evidence-based diagnostic model for mental illness

Researchers have has developed a new, evidence-based alternative to the mental health field's long-established diagnostic tools…

New study calls for US solar policy reform

Researchers suggest reforming US solar policies and encourage closer collaboration between the United States and China…