Atlas V launch successful

Vandenberg successfully launched a Atlas V rocket today at 9:12 a.m. The rocket took off from…

Space probe backs theory of how Moon makes its water

An instrument aboard an Indian space probe has boosted a hypothesis that the Moon generates water…

Airman earns DoD firefighter of the year

Dangerous downloads: Be wary of peer-to-peer programs

Nothing in life is free. With the power of the Internet and peer-to-peer computer programs, many…

Atlantis Crew to Train at Kennedy; Shuttle Preps Continue

At NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida, teams are preparing for the arrival of the STS-129…

Cape Verde Archipelago – Image

Credits: ESA

NASA’S LCROSS Captures All Phases of Centaur Impact

NASA’s Lunar CRater Observation and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS) was a smashing success, returning tantalizing data about…


Timbuktu in the West African nation of Mali is at the intersection of an east-west and…

Energy awareness is everyone’s responsibility

The Air Force is on track to kick off the 2010 Energy Awareness Campaign titled, "Energy…

SECAF accepts painting encapsulating 50 years of ICBM history