Researchers improve description of defective oxides with first principles calculation

Understanding how defects can affect ground-state properties, promote phase transitions, or enable entirely new functionalities in…

New method to assess platelet health could help ER doctors

Researchers have created a novel system that can measure platelet function within two minutes and can…

What do gardens bring to urban ecosystems?

Twin Cities research moves urban agriculture forward.

Could internet activity provide accurate in plant and animal conservation?

More than a quarter of the species in their dataset showed seasonal interest. For these seasonal…

Parkinson’s treatment delivers a power-up to brain cell ‘batteries’

Scientists have gained clues into how a Parkinson's disease treatment, called deep brain stimulation, helps tackle…

Scientists delineate pathway that helps us make antibodies

Our bodies are continuously concocting specific antibodies to thwart invaders like a virus or even pollen,…

Virtual time-lapse photos can capture ultrafast phenomena

Scientists have developed a new image-processing method that can capture extremely rapid phenomena using any type…

Cardiorespiratory fitness of farmed Atlantic salmon unaffected by virus

The respiratory systems of Atlantic salmon function normally even when carrying large loads of piscine orthoreovirus…

The dollars and sense of big batteries on the grid

As the mix of energy sources feeding power-hungry homes, businesses and industry comes to incorporate more…

Tiny ‘blinkers’ enable simultaneous imaging of multiple biomolecules

In everyday life, blinking lights can send signals—for example, that a car is going to turn.…