Research: Countries in violation of Baltic Sea Convention, polluting marine environment

The countries around the Baltic Sea do not respect their binding international agreement to reduce agricultural…

Japan's hands-off formula in disciplining schoolchildren works. Is it worth a try elsewhere?

A study examining Japanese schools’ hands-off approach when children fight showed it could create opportunities for…

Antarctic hotspot: Fin whales favor the waters around Elephant Island

During the era of commercial whaling, fin whales were hunted so intensively that only a small…

Using the environment to control quantum devices

Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) researchers have uncovered how the environment can impact highly…

New insights into switchable MOF structures

Metal-organic framework compounds (MOFs) consist of inorganic and organic groups and are characterized by a large…

Research suggests social factors important for human-wildlife coexistence

In bear country, it’s normal to find bruins munching down on temptations left out by humans—from…

Breakthrough in 3D magnetic nanostructures could transform modern-day computing

Scientists have taken a step towards the creation of powerful devices that harness magnetic charge by…

Electrons waiting for their turn: New model explains 3D quantum material

Scientists from the Cluster of Excellence ct.qmat—Complexity and Topology in Quantum Matter have developed a new…

A new light-sheet microscopy unit enables an extended field of view and reduced photodamage

A research group led by Takashi Saito, of the Ehime University Graduate School of Medicine, developed…

Study takes genes-first approach to mapping livestock diseases

Genetic disorders compromise the welfare of farm animals and have impacts on the production and management…