Declining biodiversity in wild Amazon fisheries threatens human diet

A new study of dozens of wild fish species commonly consumed in the Peruvian Amazon says…

New tool activates deep brain neurons by combining ultrasound, genetics

A team has developed a new brain stimulation technique using focused ultrasound that is able to…

Lessening the cost of strategies to reach the Paris Agreement

A team of researchers offer new insight on conversion factors of greenhouse gases into their CO2…

Same difference: Two halves of the hippocampus have different gene activity

A study of gene activity in the brain’s hippocampus has identified marked differences between the region’s…

Exoskeleton-assisted walking may improve bowel function in people with spinal cord injury

A team of researchers has shown that physical intervention plans that included exoskeleton-assisted walking helped people…

New CRISPR tools help contain mosquito disease transmission

Scientists have developed a genetics toolkit that helps pave the way to a gene drive designed…

Lessening the cost of strategies to reach the Paris Agreement

A team of researchers offer new insight on conversion factors of greenhouse gases into their CO2…

Declining biodiversity in wild Amazon fisheries threatens human diet

A new study of dozens of wild fish species commonly consumed in the Peruvian Amazon says…

A fiery past sheds new light on the future of global climate change

Centuries-old smoke particles preserved in the ice reveal a fiery past in the Southern Hemisphere and…

Exoskeleton therapy improves mobility, cognition and brain connectivity in people with MS

A team of multiple sclerosis (MS) experts led a pilot randomized controlled trial of robotic-exoskeleton assisted…