Tomsk-TPU-120 CubeSat to deploy during EVA

The amateur radio CubeSat Tomsk-TPU-120 may be deployed during a Russian spacewalk (EVA) in July 2017.…

BY70-1 FM transponder satellite

A CZ-2D rocket carrying the amateur radio FM transponder satellite BY70-1 was launched on Wednesday, December…

Winter issue of OSCAR News now available

E-members of AMSAT-UK can now download the Winter edition of OSCAR News here. In this edition…

Pratham student satellite returns to life

The Mumbai Mirror reports on the return to life of the Pratham satellite launched on September…

UBSEDS21 will carry 145.825 MHz APRS

On Sunday Bristol SEDS students plan to launch a 434 MHz and APRS solar powered balloon…

CAS-4A and CAS-4B to have Ham Radio Linear Transponders

CAMSAT is working closely with a Beijing Government aerospace contractor to build two satellites with amateur…

Sandringham School aims for space

Students at Sandringham School plan to launch a High Altitude Balloon with a Raspberry Pi payload…

Middle School Students’ Tancredo-1 TubeSat Scheduled for Launch

The Tancredo-1 satellite, a small TubeSat built by middle school students in Brazil, is scheduled to…

Receive Pictures from Space – ISS SSTV Dec 8-9

Slow-scan television (SSTV) transmissions are planned from the International Space Station (ISS) on December 8-9, 2016.…

Radio ham awarded space achievement honour

Cornwall Live reports that radio amateur David Honess M6DNT has been awarded a prestigious space achievement…