Empowerment of women worldwide key to achieving competing goals

World hunger and biodiversity loss can both be addressed by ensuring that women worldwide have access…

Ancient enzyme protects lungs from common irritant produced by bugs and mold

The lungs secrete a specialized enzyme capable of destroying chitin, without which chitin particles inhaled from…

New quantum liquid crystals may play role in future of computers

The first 3-D quantum liquid crystals may have applications in quantum computing, report scientists. Liquid crystals…

Light rays from a supernova bent by the curvature of space-time around a galaxy

Astronomers have detected for the first time multiple images from a gravitationally lensed Type Ia supernova.…

Same but different: Researchers uncover a mechanism of how bacteria with the same genotype can show a different phenotype

Bacterial populations pose an intriguing puzzle: in so-called isogenic populations, all bacteria have the same genes,…

Environmental ‘memories’ passed on for 14 generations

The impact of environmental change can be passed on in the genes of tiny nematode worms…

Medicaid expansion linked with increase in prescriptions filled for chronic conditions

During the first one and a half years of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), the number…

Genetic evidence points to nocturnal early mammals

New genetic evidence suggesting that early mammals had good night-time vision adds to fossil and behavioral…

Recognizing foreign accents helps brains process accented speech

Our brains process foreign-accented speech with better real-time accuracy if we can identify the accent we…

Bergamotene in tobacco plants: Alluring and lethal for manduca sexta moths

Scientists describe a gene in Nicotiana attenuata which enables the plant to solve the dilemma that…