ATV-4 launch replay – Part 2

Part two of the replay of the the launch of Ariane 5 VA 213 carrying ATV…

USec AF visits Schriever

Combat Communications Wing and Group Inactivate

Air Force Space Command and 24th Air Force officials announced inactivation of the 689th Combat Communications…

NASA Partners With the LEGO Group for Design and Build Contest

NASA and the LEGO Group are partnering to inspire the next generation of aerospace engineers by…

Okavango Delta in northern Botswana

This image is a compilation of three images from Envisat’s radar and shows where southwestern Africa’s Okavango…

Boxing clever

The first rule of DIY: know where your tools are. Astronauts on the International Space Station…

NASA’s Spitzer Sees Milky Way’s Blooming Countryside

New views from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope show blooming stars in our Milky Way galaxy's more…

NASA Chandra, Spitzer Study Suggests Black Holes Abundant Among The Earliest Stars

By comparing infrared and X-ray background signals across the same stretch of sky, an international team…

Infrared Light Reveals Tornado’s Path

On May 20, 2013, central Oklahoma was devastated by a EF-5 tornado, the most severe on…

Call for Applications: JAXA International Top Young Fellowship in FY2013