Apple growing cash stash spurs talk of huge acquisition

As Apple's stash of cash grows, so does the possibility that the company will use some…

Cancer-causing virus masters cell’s replication, immortality

Viruses are notorious for taking over their host's operations and using them to their own advantage.…

1 SOPS revamps ops floors; increases mission capability

The 1st Space Operations Squadron combined its Geosynchronous Space Situational Awareness and Space Based Space Surveillance…

Novel designs for interference microscopy objectives earn Rudolf Kingslake Medal

Two researchers from Zygo Corporation are recipients of the Rudolf Kingslake Medal and Prize for 2016.…

Holy chickens: Did Medieval religious rules drive domestic chicken evolution?

Chickens were domesticated from Asian jungle fowl around 6000 years ago. Since domestication they have acquired…

Scientists scrutinize first aid for man o’ war ‘jellyfish’ stings

Researchers investigated which commonly recommended first aid actions are the most effective for Physalia, man 'o…

Insights to redirect leading HIV cure strategy

New research has provided the first evidence that viruses and hosts share highly similar regulatory sequences…

Amateur Radio Satellite Operation in Algeria

Abdel Mesbah M0NPT reports on what is believed to be the first amateur satellite operation from…

Apple growing cash stash spurs talk of huge acquisition

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- As Apple's stash of cash grows, so does the possibility that the…

Scientists scrutinize first aid for man o’ war stings

In recent decades, trusted first aid resources have recommended stings from man o' war (Physalia species)…