Weight loss can slow down knee joint degeneration

Overweight and obese people who lost a substantial amount of weight over a 48-month period showed…

Earliest relative of Brachiosaurus dinosaur found in France

Scientists have re-examined an overlooked museum fossil and discovered that it is the earliest known member…

Drinking in pregnancy: Excess transcription factor Heat Shock Factor 1 can delay embryonic neural migration

Transcription factor Heat Shock Factor 1, which the developing brain releases to shield the vital organ…

Antarctic Peninsula ice more stable than thought

Glacier flow at the southern Antarctic Peninsula has increased since the 1990s, but a new study…

Why we choose terrible passwords, and how to fix them

The first Thursday in May is World Password Day, but don't buy a cake or send…

CAST project passes an important milestone in search for axion

(Phys.org)—A team of researchers working on the CERN Axion Solar Telescope (CAST) project report passing an…

The terrestrial and aerial components of a European spatial and urban mapping project

Developing a good, high-resolution 3-D map is a long, tedious and expensive process: a vehicle scans…

How 3-D food printers could improve mealtimes for people with swallowing disorders

It's hard to imagine food prepared in a printer can be tasty and look good. But…

Researchers develop course for online blended learning

Across the country, classrooms are making the transition to blended learning models. Typically, students work together,…

The ecological ‘pawprint’ of domestic dogs is much greater than previously realised

Humans and their canine companions share many close bonds. Wolves (Canis lupus) were the first animal…