First US offshore wind farm powering more of Rhode Island

The nation's first offshore wind farm is powering more of Rhode Island.

Widespread vitamin D deficiency likely due to sunscreen use, increase of chronic diseases

Results from a clinical review find nearly 1 billion people worldwide may have deficient or insufficient…

One in three American adults may have had a warning stroke

About one in three American adults experienced a symptom consistent with a warning or 'mini' stroke,…

SimRadar: A polarimetric radar time-series simulator for tornadic debris studies

Scientists have developed the first numerical polarimetric radar simulator to study and characterize scattering mechanisms of…

8 tips to protect your identity beyond the computer

When it comes to identity theft, you need to protect the mailbox at your house as…

We should create cities for slowing down

Peter Jackson employed an intricate approach to the stage design of Lord of the Rings. The…

Spectro-Timing Study of GX 339-4 in a Hard Intermediate State

Abstract: We present an analysis of Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array observations of a hard intermediate state…

Extremes of the Jet-Accretion Power Relation of Blazars, as Explored by Nustar

Abstract: Hard X-ray observations are crucial to study the non-thermal jet emission from high-redshift, powerful blazars.…

Why frogs need saving

On April 29, the world's frogs are celebrated on Save The Frogs Day.

Electrons losing weight

The measured mass of electrons in solids is always larger than the value predicted by theory.…