Flight 164 preparations continue

Flight 164’s primary payload is now ready to “meet” its Ariane 5 launcher as preparations continue on track for a February 11 liftoff from the Spaceport in French Guiana.

The XTAR-EUR satellite has been mated to the SYLDA 5 multiple payload dispenser system during activity inside the Spaceport’s launcher Final Assembly building. The next step will be to integrate the XTAR-EUR/SYLDA combination atop Ariane 5.

Flight 164 will carry the XTAR-EUR governmental telecommunications spacecraft and a supplemental payload of the Sloshsat mini satellite and the Maqsat B2 telemetry/video-imaging package. This mission will use Arianespace’s heavy-lift Ariane 5 ECA launcher version.

See the Arianespace Website http://www.arianespace.com for photos and the latest news on Flight 164 from the Spaceport.