Spacewalkers “Camping Out” in Airlock; Mission Status Briefing Canceled

Today’s Mission Status Briefing was canceled. Instead, STS-131 space shuttle Orbit 2 Flight Director Mike Sarafin will provide a status update from the PAO console in Mission Control at approximately 3 p.m. EDT.

Mission Specialists Rick Mastracchio and Clayton Anderson configured their tools in the Quest airlock. After a review of spacewalk procedures with other crew members, they are again spending the night in the airlock, its pressure reduced to 10.2 psi. That campout is aimed at reducing the nitrogen in their blood to avoid decompression sickness.

The third and final STS-131 spacewalk is scheduled to begin at 3:11 a.m. Tuesday and last 6.5 hours. Activities include finishing the complicated change out of the large ammonia tank assembly, retrieving micrometeoroid shields from outside the airlock and retrieving a light-weight adapter plate assembly.