Amateur Satellites at Skills Night

Steve Hedgecock M0SHQ with Elk 145/435 MHz Log Periodic Antenna

Steve Hedgecock M0SHQ with Elk 145/435 MHz Log Periodic Antenna

Steve Hedgecock M0SHQ explained how to operate via the amateur radio satellites at Skills Night hosted by the Chelmsford Amateur Radio Society on Monday, June 20, 2016.

He showed how to use the Elk dual-band 145/435 MHz Log Periodic Antenna to track the satellites and make contacts over thousands of kilometres using just 5 watts from a handheld transceiver.

Steve described how he recently managed to use the AO-85 satellite to contact the Isle of Arran DXpedition station GS3PYE using 5 watts and just the handheld’s quarter wave whip antenna.

Sam Jewell G4DDK with one of his popular Microwave antennas

Sam Jewell G4DDK with one of his popular Microwave antennas

Also attending the Skills Night was AMSAT-UK member Sam Jewell G4DDK. He brought along his stall of UHF/Microwave antennas, pre-amps and other useful accessories.

Dave Powis G4HUP had his extensive selection of his kits, plus tools for working with SMD (Surface Mount Devices). During the evening he provided advice to attendees on a range of RF and construction related topics.

hupRF kits

G4DDK kits and accessories

Further information on the monthly Skills Night meetings can be found at

Dave Powis G4HUP with his RF kits

Dave Powis G4HUP with his RF kits