Video of $50SAT ham radio satellite talk

Yaesu handheld and $50SAT 1.5U PocketQube

Yaesu handheld and $50SAT 1.5U PocketQube

The story behind $50SAT, a new approach to amateur satellite design which became the world’s smallest operational satellite, built for £125 in a garden shed.

On Saturday, August 6, Stuart Robinson GW7HPW gave a presentation on the amateur radio satellite $50SAT to the Electromagnetic Field event EMF 2016 in Guildford.

Talk Description: If you are building an Amateur satellite the simple choice would be to assemble a device with all the latest satisfyingly advanced and complex tech. The $50SAT team made a decision to go against convention and produce a design with the minimum of components.

$50SAT was the first of a new class of satellite pioneered by Professor Bob Twiggs KE6QMD; the PocketQubes, designed to be small and light so they would be cheap to launch. $50SAT was launched in November 2013 using a Dnepr rocket from Dombarovsky Air Base in Russia and remained working in orbit for 20 months, the team had only expected it to last for a month at best.

Watch The story behind $50SAT


$50Sat Eagle2 PocketQube