Ham radio satellite activation of Berry Islands, Bahamas

Caribbean IslandSteve M1ACB, Rob M0VFC and John M0IDA will be active on the FM and SSB amateur radio satellites from Berry Islands in the Bahamas.

The trio plan to operate from March 4-10 and will be using hand-held antennas. Since the FM satellites will only cover part of the USA they’ll also be using SSB on FO-29 to reach the British Isles and Europe.

They will be operating from Little Harbour Cay in the Berry Islands, IOTA NA-054, Grid Square FL15do.

For further information see https://m1acb.wordpress.com/2017/02/18/1527/

Check Twitter for updates: @rmc47 (M0VFC), @ItinerantHam (M0IDA) and @m1acb