Promising diagnostic tool for Alzheimer’s disease

Researchers have identified in live human brains new radioactive 'tracer' molecules that bind to and 'light…

Biomimetic strategy leads to strong, recyclable rubber

Inspired by nature, Chinese scientists have produced a synthetic analogue to vulcanized natural rubber. Their material…

Hydrokinetic energy from running water cleanly charges electrical vehicles

Lif-E-Buoy takes advantage of the natural hydrokinetic energy of running water—abundantly available in most river-based urban…

Scientists discover how birds and dinosaurs evolved to dazzle with colourful displays

Iridescence is responsible for some of the most striking visual displays in the animal kingdom. Now,…

Rights that protect against socioeconomic disadvantage are long overdue – the UK is already paying the price

In 2018, two anniversaries and a crucial decision loom large in the UK. We saw in…

How we used drones to monitor coastal erosion in Ghana

Delta environments are low-lying and highly vulnerable to flooding and erosion by ocean waves. And these…

Invasive species and habitat loss our biggest biodiversity threats

Invasive species and habitat loss are the biggest threats to Australian biodiversity, according to new research.…

Proteins imaged in graphene liquid cell have higher radiation tolerance

Electron microscopy is one of the main methods used to examine protein structure. Studying these structures…

South African skeleton shows humans learned to walk upright in the trees

The analysis of the world's most complete skeleton of an early human ancestor, conducted by a…

Where did the Sun come from?

Earth would be a frozen lump of rock without the energy created from our nearest star.