Africa’s solid waste is growing, posing a climate threat

No one would envy a life of scavenging in Kenya's biggest landfill, but Daniel Kiarie says…

JY1Sat designated Jordan-OSCAR 97 (JO-97)

On December 3rd, 2018, JY1Sat was launched on a Falcon 9 vehicle from Vandenberg Air Force…

Alan Moore interview: Magic and science feed Middle England Watchman

The creator of cult comics Watchmen and Halo Jones is an occultist, but his love of…

China launches probe to explore dark side of Moon: Xinhua

China on Saturday launched a first probe ever to explore the dark side of the Moon,…

SpaceRef Top Stories 2018-12-07 23:00:02

SpaceRef Top Stories 2018-12-07 23:00:02

NASA Spaceline Current Awareness List #827 7 December 2018 (Space Life Science Research Results)

NASA Spaceline Current Awareness List #827 7 December 2018 (Space Life Science Research Results)

NASA Spaceline Current Awareness List #827 7 December 2018 (Space Life Science Research Results)

NASA Spaceline Current Awareness List #827 7 December 2018 (Space Life Science Research Results)

China launches probe to explore dark side of Moon: Xinhua

China on Saturday launched a first probe ever to explore the dark side of the Moon,…

The naked eye alone is not enough to ensure the accurate diagnosis of skin cancer, say experts

The visual inspection of a suspicious skin lesion using the naked eye alone is not enough…