Weather patterns, farm income, other factors, may be influencing opioid crisis

The overprescribing of opioid-based painkillers may be the main driver of the increased abuse of opioids…

Mathematicians develop model for how new ideas emerge

Researchers have developed a mathematical model for the emergence of innovations.

Pearly material for bendable heating elements

The iridescent shimmer of a string of pearls may one day be more than pretty adornment.…

New biosensor could monitor glucose levels in tears and sweat

Constantly tracking a person's glucose levels through their tears or sweat could be one step closer…

Lab-grown horns and tusks could stop poaching—or not

Scientists are making mimics of rhino horns and elephant tusks, hoping to drive down the prices…

First monkey clones created in Chinese laboratory

Two monkeys have been cloned using the technique that produced Dolly the Sheep.

‘Disco ball’ flies into space from NZ

US start-up Rocket Lab says its recent launch put a reflective sphere in orbit.

Artificial sweetener could someday provide cancer treatments with fewer side effects

Artificial sweeteners are used in diet drinks and foods but also could someday be used as…

Next Mars Lander Spreads Its Solar Wings

This image shows NASA's InSight lander after it was commanded to deploy its solar arrays to…

Meet Zhong Zhong and Hua Hua, the first monkey clones produced by method that made Dolly

The first primate clones made by somatic cell nuclear transfer are two genetically identical long-tailed macaques…