New measurement technology helps to determine NO concentrations in the ocean

Nitrogen monoxide (NO) belongs to the group of nitrogen oxides which are infamous as toxic emissions…

Cloud seeding for snow: Does it work? Scientists report first quantifiable observations

For the first time, scientists have obtained direct, quantifiable observations of cloud seeding for increased snowfall…

Augmented and virtual reality will involve human senses in verifying the operations of information systems

Many new applications aim to make information systems and machines identify their users and take their…

Artificial sweetener could someday provide cancer treatments with fewer side effects

Artificial sweeteners are used in diet drinks and foods but also could someday be used as…

Tidal cycles could help predict volcanic eruptions

A study of a New Zealand volcano suggests that a volcanic system's response to tidal forces…

Pearly material for bendable heating elements

The iridescent shimmer of a string of pearls may one day be more than pretty adornment.…

Targeting bladder cancer’s Achilles heel: Stem cells

Two different proteins work separately as well as synergistically to feed a small pool of stem…

Working in female-dominated workplaces means worse access to flexible working arrangements

Workers in female-dominated workplaces have worse access to flexible working arrangements than those in gender-neutral and…

Report shows United States leads in science and technology as China rapidly advances

According to the National Science Foundation's new Science and Engineering Indicators 2018 report, the United States…

New biosensor could monitor glucose levels in tears and sweat

Constantly tracking a person's glucose levels through their tears or sweat could be one step closer…