Fossil shows pregnant momma sea monster with developing embryo

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - An extraordinary fossil unearthed in southwestern China shows a pregnant long-necked marine reptile…

Fossil shows pregnant momma sea monster with developing embryo

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - An extraordinary fossil unearthed in southwestern China shows a pregnant long-necked marine reptile…

U.S. experts soften on DNA editing of human eggs, sperm, embryos

CHICAGO (Reuters) - Powerful gene editing tools may one day be used on human embryos, eggs…

U.S. experts soften on DNA editing of human eggs, sperm, embryos

CHICAGO (Reuters) - Powerful gene editing tools may one day be used on human embryos, eggs…

China’s plans launch of first cargo spacecraft in April

BEIJING (Reuters) - China plans to launch its first cargo spacecraft in April, state media reported…

China’s plans launch of first cargo spacecraft in April

BEIJING (Reuters) - China plans to launch its first cargo spacecraft in April, state media reported…

Genetic study may make ancient Incas quinoa a grain of the future

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Quinoa, the sacred "mother grain" of the ancient Inca civilization suppressed by Spanish…

Genetic study may make ancient Incas quinoa a grain of the future

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Quinoa, the sacred "mother grain" of the ancient Inca civilization suppressed by Spanish…

Swedish statistician and ‘edutainer’ Hans Rosling dies

STOCKHOLM (Reuters) - Swedish academic Hans Rosling, a doctor and statistician who captured a worldwide audience…

Swedish statistician and ‘edutainer’ Hans Rosling dies

STOCKHOLM (Reuters) - Swedish academic Hans Rosling, a doctor and statistician who captured a worldwide audience…