Unauthorized Transmissions Reported in 144 MHz Satellite Allocation

The Deutscher Amateur Radio Club (DARC) reported unauthorized transmissions in the 144 MHz satellite segment of…

Apple's 2030 carbon-neutral pledge covers itself and suppliers

The “zero climate impact” promise covers both its own operations and those of its suppliers. …

Active-matrix organic light-emitting diode display on human skin

The development of electronic applications can take on many new forms to include foldable and wearable…

Bushfires could mean rise in threatened native species

The damage caused by the catastrophic 2019-2020 Australian bushfires could lead to a dramatic jump in…

Stove, dome, and umbrella effects of atmospheric aerosol in planetary boundary layer

Atmospheric planetary boundary layer (PBL), also called the atmospheric boundary layer, is the region of the…

Unparalleled inventory of the human gut ecosystem

An international team of scientists has collated all known bacterial genomes from the human gut microbiome…

Gamma-ray telescopes measure diameters of distant stars

By reviving a technique capable of combining specialized gamma-ray telescopes to one giant virtual instrument, scientists…

Radio Amateurs Help Air Ambulance

Peru’s Radio Club Peruano (RCP) reports that Guillermo Guerra, OA4DTU/XQ3SA, and the Peruvian Relief Net assisted…

More flowers and pollinator diversity could help protect bees from parasites

Having more flowers and maintaining diverse bee communities could help reduce the spread of bee parasites,…

Yes, women outnumber men at university. But they still earn less after they leave

In his best-selling book, The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference, Canadian…