AMSAT-UK Space Colloquium 2024 | AMSAT-UK

AMSAT-UK is pleased to announce that the 2024 Colloquium will take place alongside the RSGB Convention…

July OSCAR News now available

E-members of AMSAT-UK can now download the July 2024 edition of OSCAR News, issue 244, here.…

The Myth that Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin was a Radio Amateur

Every few years the myth that Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin was a radio amateur crops up again.…

AMSAT Argentina to launch transponder balloon

On May 26, at 1300 GMT AMSAT-LU plans (weather permitting) to launch a balloon carrying a…

Newfoundland QO-100 contact Successful – More Planned

First Newfoundland contact via QO-100 between VO1/M0XUU and G0MRF On Saturday, May 11, 2024, Gopan VO1/M0XUU…

Newfoundland on QO-100 ? | AMSAT-UK

During May there are plans for two separate attempts to make contacts from Newfoundland using the…

GreenCube IO-117 Announcement by AMSAT Italia

GreenCube IO-117 CubeSat Rome, April 30, 2024 – AMSAT Italia is proud to announce the acquisition…

UK School to Contact Space Station

Matthew Dominick KC0TOR An ARISS contact is scheduled with students at Mrs Ethelston’s CE Primary Academy…

Belgium: 23 cm band Restrictions

2024-03-27 Belgium 1240-1300 MHz proposed restrictions On March 27, 2024, Belgium’s regulator the BIPT published draft…

BBC Great British Railway Journeys at SSTL

Series 15 episode 4 of Michael Portillo’s TV show Great British Railway Journeys: Havant to Guildford,…