Major X14 solar flare erupts on the Sun’s far side, the strongest flare of Solar Cycle 25

A major, long-duration solar flare measuring X14 erupted on the Sun’s far side around 00:00 UTC…

S1 – Minor solar radiation storm in progress

An S1 – Minor solar radiation storm has been in progress since 02:50 UTC on July…

Two Earth-directed CMEs, G2 – Moderate geomagnetic storm watch in effect

Two Earth-directed coronal mass ejections (CME) were produced over the past 3 days. The estimated time…

Powerful X1.9 solar flare erupts, producing strong CME

A powerful solar flare measuring X1.9 erupted from departing Active Region 3738 at 13:26 UTC on…

Major X1.2 solar flare erupts from AR 3738

A major solar flare measuring X1.2 erupted from Active Region 3738 at 02:34 UTC on July…

Study reveals major impacts of G5 – Extreme geomagnetic storm on satellite operations in May 2024

Researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) investigated the significant impacts and scientific insights from…

G4 – Severe geomagnetic storm in progress

A coronal mass ejection (CME) produced on June 25, 2024, impacted Earth shortly after 09:30 UTC…

Old region 3664 returns with M9.3 solar flare

I’m a dedicated researcher, journalist, and editor at The Watchers. With over 20 years of experience…

Epic solar storm impacts Mars

May 2024 saw increased solar activity, leading to numerous significant events including a rare G5 –…

G2 – Moderate geomagnetic storm watch, X1.5 flare erupts from departing Region 3697

A G2 – Moderate geomagnetic storm watch is in effect for June 10, 2024, due to…