Stargazing Calendar for July 2024

Artist’s view of bright spots on Ceres based on a detailed map of the surface compiled…

Stargazing Calendar for June 2024

NGC 6523 or the Lagoon Nebula taken by the VLT Survey Telescope (VST) at ESO’s Paranal…

704 Interamnia: A Giant Asteroid

Asteroid 704 Interamnia. VLT/SPHERE image of the asteroid, deconvolved with the MISTRAL algorithm. Credit: ESO/J. Hanuš…

Stargazing Calendar for May 2024

Comet 46P/Wirtanen on December 12, 2018. Credit: Stub Mandrel. License: CC BY-SA 4.0. Embark on a…

Stargazing Calendar for April 2024

Sombrero Galaxy (M104 or NGC 4594). A mosaic of six images taken by the Hubble Space…

Stargazing Calendar for March 2024

Theta Carinae Cluster (IC 2602). Credit: Tel Lekatsas. License: CC BY 2.0. Embark on a celestial…

How Is a Fireball (Or Bolide) Different From a Meteor?

A fireball falling over ALMA (Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array). Credit: ESO/C. Malin. License: CC BY 4.0.…

Why Your Kids Will Live on Mars

Terraforming Mars image by Daein Ballard. License: CC BY-SA 3.0. Mars’s daytime temperature hits 35 ºC…

What Is the Zenithal Hourly Rate?

Perseid meteor shower peak in 2023. Credit: Jim Vajda. License: CC BY 2.0. As the night…

What Is an H II Region?

Stellar nursery N159 is an HII region over 150 light-years across located in the Large Magellanic…