Little Red Dots might indicate ancient, growing black holes

Here are a few of many mysterious Little Red Dots, that the Webb space telescope spotted…

Beloved Gaia spacecraft ending its observations

Artist’s concept of ESA’s Gaia spacecraft mapping the stars of the Milky Way. Gaia’s observations will…

Why are these black hole X-ray flashes accelerating?

View larger. | Artists’ concept of a black hole siphoning material from a nearby white dwarf…

Huygens landed on Saturn’s moon Titan 20 years ago

Watch as Huygens descends through the atmosphere of Saturn’s moon Titan and lands on its surface…

Surprising spiral galaxy hosting a quasar jet

See the faint spiral structure around the galaxy at the center of this image? It’s from…

Surprising spiral galaxy hosting quasar jet

This image from the Hubble Space Telescope indicates a spiral galaxy hosting quasar. Hubble captured hints…

Citizen scientists provide insights to Jupiter’s clouds in new study

View larger. | NASA’s Juno spacecraft captured this stunning view of Jupiter and its bands of…

Mercury images from final flyby of BepiColombo!

This image reveals Mercury’s shadowy north pole showing several possibly icy craters whose floors are in…

Are methane-belching microbes on Mars hiding underground?

View larger. | Perspective view from Mars Express of the transition region between Acidalia Planitia and…

A new explanation for Pluto’s largest moon

View larger. | Pluto and its largest moon Charon, imaged by the New Horizons spacecraft as…