Martian rock crushed by Curiosity hides a surprise!

Drag your mouse or move your phone to explore this 360-degree panorama provided by NASA’s Curiosity…

Scorching storms on brown dwarfs revealed by Webb

Artist’s concept of stormy weather on a brown dwarf, such as those in the WISE 1049AB…

Will this ‘hairpin turn’ exoplanet become a hot Jupiter?

The unusual oblong orbit of ‘hairpin turn’ exoplanet TIC 241249530. Video via International Gemini Observatory/ NOIRLab/…

What IS a planet? LIVE with Jean-Luc Margot

View larger. | Artist’s concept of an Earth-sized exoplanet, in this case LP 791-18 d, some…

Neutron-star jet sprays like a garden sprinkler

Astronomers have seen the first neutron-star jet with an S shape. The jet is part of…

Does phosphine on Venus mean … life?

View larger. | There’s yet more evidence this week for phosphine in the atmosphere of Venus. On Earth,…

Apollo 11 landing and footsteps on the moon 55 years ago

The world watched on television as Neil Armstrong from Apollo 11 was the first human to…

It’s more than visible light

The light we can see with our eyes is part of a range of radiation known…

Evidence for intermediate-mass black hole in Omega Centauri

Omega Centauri is the largest and brightest globular cluster in our sky. A new study of…

Dark comets could make up 60% of near-Earth objects

The University of Michigan posted this original article on July 10, 2024. Edits by EarthSky. Dark…