Sensor for non-spoofable biometric identification easily integrated in smart phones

Holst Center has demonstrated the world’s first organic near-infrared large-area image sensor capable of detecting the…

'Celestial sleuth' sheds new light on Vermeer's masterpiece 'View of Delft'

Johannes Vermeer is one of the most celebrated artists of the 17th century’s Dutch Golden Age…

10 cool things we learned about Pluto from New Horizons

Five years ago today, NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft made history. After a voyage of nearly 10…

Tracking quokkas through fires

Dubbed the world’s “happiest animal,” there’s still a lot we don’t know about quokkas that is…

If we love our cities, we'll make better decisions about their future after the COVID-19 pandemic

It’s the most famous city slogan in the world: I Love New York. And yet, surprisingly,…

'Vertical cruise ships'? Here's how we can remake housing towers to be safer and better places to live

After 3,000 people in nine public housing towers in Melbourne were placed under the harshest coronavirus…

How your car sheds microplastics into the ocean thousands of miles away

The impact of car travel on the environment is well known. Exhaust emissions pollute the atmosphere…

An argument for gene drive technology to genetically control insects like mosquitoes and locusts

The fate of society rests in part on how humans navigate their complicated relationship with insects—trying…

UAE again delays Mars probe launch over weather

The United Arab Emirates said on Wednesday it would delay the launch of its “Hope” Mars…

Short gamma ray burst leaves most-distant optical afterglow ever detected

The farther away an object lies in the universe, the fainter it appears through the lens…