Aviation Scholars to Speak with NASA Astronauts Aboard Space Station

Aviation Scholars to Speak with NASA Astronauts Aboard Space Station Click here for original…

Amazon deforestation increases 25 percent in Brazil

Deforestation of the Brazilian Amazon increased by a record 25 percent year-on-year in the first half…

Pittsburgh's air pollution levels decreased during the stay-at-home order—but the overall impact remains small

A team of Carnegie Mellon University researchers found that Pittsburgh’s air pollution levels decreased during the…

Aviation Scholars to Speak with NASA Astronauts Aboard Space Station

Aviation scholars from across the nation will pose questions next week to NASA astronauts aboard the…

New research shows that laser spectral linewidth is classical-physics phenomenon

New ground-breaking research from the University of Surrey could change the way scientists understand and describe…

Plant chemistry research examines trends in greening

A Montana State University professor’s research on plant chemistry in the Northern Great Plains and Northern…

NASA infrared data shows Cristina strengthening

NASA’s Aqua satellite revealed better organization and colder cloud top temperatures in Tropical Storm Cristina, indications…

NASA tracks tropical storm Fay's development and strongest side

NASA used satellite data to create an animation of Fay’s development and progression over the past…

Microscopy technique reveals nanoscale detail of coatings as they dry

Dull. Slow. Unchanging. Like watching paint dry.  Click here for original story, Microscopy technique…

'Nanocage' tool untangles (molecular) spaghetti

A team of scientists at the University of Vermont have invented a new tool—they call it…