Study finds food safety practices benefit small farmers

The costs of implementing food safety practices to prevent foodborne illnesses have been viewed as a…

Science education community should withdraw from international tests, study says

The science community should withdraw from involvement in international tests such as PISA because they have…

Bats offer clues to treating COVID-19

Bats are often considered patient zero for many deadly viruses affecting humans, including Ebola, rabies, and,…

Study looks at life inside and outside of seafloor hydrocarbon seeps

Microbial cells are found in abundance in marine sediments beneath the ocean and make up a…

Native bees also facing novel pandemic

Move over, murder hornets. There’s a new bee killer in town. Click here for…

Discovery reveals how plants make cellulose for strength and growth

New research from the University of Virginia School of Medicine reveals how plants create the load-bearing…

Endangered California condors in Sequoia National Park for the first time in 50 years

For the first time in nearly 50 years, California condors have been spotted at Sequoia National…

New study predicts coral bleaching and coral-eating starfish invasions months in advance

A new study by the Marine Laboratory at the University of Guam may help researchers predict…

NASA's Deep Space Station in Australia Is Getting an Upgrade

Used for communicating with distant spacecraft, a massive radio antenna is being retrofitted to…

NASA's Perseverance Rover Attached to Atlas V Rocket

Ready for its launch later in the month, the Mars-bound rover will touch terra…