Discovery reveals how plants make cellulose for strength and growth

The discovery unveils the molecular machinery that plants use to weave cellulose chains into cable-like structures…

Safer CRISPR gene editing with fewer off-target hits

The CRISPR system is a powerful tool for the targeted editing of genomes, with significant therapeutic…

Scientists urge caution, further assessment of ecological impacts above deep sea mining

A new study argues that deep-sea mining poses significant risks, not only to the area immediately…

Fair justice systems need open data access

Researchers are developing an A.I. platform that provides users with access to the information and insights…

Researchers find rise in broken heart syndrome during COVID-19 pandemic

Researchers have found a significant increase in patients experiencing stress cardiomyopathy, also known as broken heart…

Global wildlife surveillance could provide early warning for next pandemic

Researchers propose a decentralized, global wildlife biosurveillance system to identify — before the next pandemic emerges…

5G wireless networks have few health impacts, finds study using zebrafish model

Findings from a new study into the effects of radiofrequency radiation generated by the wireless technology…

Aquaculture's role in nutrition in the COVID-19 era

Aquaculture, the relatively young but fast-growing industry of farming of fish and other marine life, now…

Study of giant ant heads using simple models may aid bio-inspired designs

Researchers use a variety of modelling approaches to study form and function. By using a basic…

NASA Updates Planetary Protection Policies for Robotic and Human Missions to Earth’s Moon and Future Human Missions to Mars

NASA Updates Planetary Protection Policies for Robotic and Human Missions to Earth’s Moon and Future Human…