Esa and Nasa line up satellites to measure Antarctic sea-ice

Aligning polar satellites will enable the first ever reliable maps of Antarctic sea-ice thickness. …

Strange bedfellows: How butterfly caterpillars sustain their association with cocktail ants

The spectacular leaps of gazelles, group living in deer and monkeys, and fast flight in many…

Conservation agriculture increases carbon sequestration in extensive crops

Agricultural activity is responsible for about 12% of the total emissions of greenhouse gases in Spain.…

On-chip spin-Hall nanograting for simultaneously detecting phase and polarization singularities

A plasmonic spin-Hall nanograting structure that simultaneously detects both the polarization and phase singularities of the…

Curiosity Mars rover's summer road trip has begun

NASA’s Curiosity Mars rover has started a road trip that will continue through the summer across…

The limitations of super-resolution microscopy overcome

With high-resolution microscopy, it is theoretically possible to image cell structures with a resolution of a…

For cleaner air, water, and soil

The air around us is getting more and more polluted. No wonder many scientists strive to…

Agriculture: A climate villain? Maybe not!

The UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) claims that agriculture is one of the main…

Examining trapped ion technology for next generation quantum computers

Quantum computers (QC) are poised to drive important advances in several domains, including medicine, material science…

A chemical cocktail of air pollution in Beijing, China during COVID-19 outbreak

The novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) spreads rapidly around the world, and has limited people’s outdoor activities…