Report reveals the technology behind bank card gambling blockers works, but millions do not have access

A new review of the availability, uptake, and effectiveness of bank card gambling blockers in the…

Puppies & burnout: The impact of the coronavirus on veterinarians

At a superficial glance, becoming a veterinarian seems like the realization of an animal lover’s childhood…

Northern fish are tough, but climate change is causing some to dwindle

Summer has finally arrived in the northern reaches of Canada and Alaska, liberating hundreds of thousands…

Study shows human-dominated areas are highly lethal to bears until they learn to adapt to people

A team of researchers affiliated with multiple institutions in Canada has found that bears living with…

Does voting by mail increase the risk of voter fraud?

We are living in the midst of a global pandemic. And there is a bitter partisan…

Experiments confirm light-squeezing 2-D exciton-polaritons can exist

Measurements of the optical response of 2-D transition-metal dichalcogenides have now pinpointed real material systems in…

Marine life found in ancient Antarctica ice helps solve a carbon dioxide puzzle from the ice age

Evidence of minute amounts of marine life in an ancient Antarctic ice sheet helps explain a…

COVID-19 demonstrates why wealth matters

While COVID-19 has impacted all individuals, the impact has not been equal. In a new national…

Jupiter's Magnificent Swirling Clouds

A multitude of magnificent, swirling clouds in Jupiter’s dynamic North North Temperate Belt is captured in…

Ethan Burbridge, In Control of the Thermostat, On Spacecraft

Ethan Burbridge, a thermal engineer, controls the thermostat on spacecraft for NASA. Click here…