New insights into van der Waals materials found

Layered van der Waals materials are of high interest for electronic and photonic applications, according to…

Measuring the structure of a giant solar flare

The sun’s corona, its hot outermost layer, has a temperature of over a million degrees Kelvin,…

Researcher demonstrates how additives can help mitigate risk of African swine fever transmission through feed

New research at Kansas State University is demonstrating that the risk of spreading a deadly animal…

Unequal paths to recovery as economy reopens

Low-income workers are almost twice as likely to be laid-off or furloughed as high-income workers, according…

Latest U.N. sustainability goals pose more harm than good for environment, scientists warn

A team of scientists has warned that the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), designed to bring…

Red-light LEDs for next-generation displays

Novel red LEDs are more temperature stable than those made using the conventional semiconductor of choice. …

Giant clams manipulate light to assist their symbiotic partner

Special cells in giant clams shift the wavelength of light to protect them from UV radiation…

We live in an age of 'fake news,' but Australian children are not learning enough about media literacy

Today we release the findings from our new research into how young Australians consume and think…

Star-forming region IRAS 12272-6240 probed in infrared

Astronomers have conducted spectroscopic observations of a star-forming region known as IRAS 12272-6240. Results of this…

Extreme heat and rain: Thousands of weather stations show there's now more of both, for longer

A major global update based on data from more than 36,000 weather stations around the world…