Pluto's icy nitrogen heart makes its atmosphere spin backwards

Every day on Pluto, nitrogen puffs out the icy world’s heart-shaped plain into the atmosphere, and…

Is it possible to reduce political polarization?

In the run-up to the 2016 U.S. presidential election, an unusual experiment suggested that it might…

Direct touch of food makes eating experience more enjoyable

Strawberry-flavored mousse tastes 10% sweeter when served from a white container rather than a black one.…

Scientists solve structure enabling cyanobacteria to thrive in low light

Scientists have determined the structure of the protein complex that gives cyanobacteria their unique ability to…

Direct touch of food makes eating experience more enjoyable

When high self-control individuals touch food directly with their hands (vs. indirectly with a utensil), they…

Astronomers reveal rare double nucleus in nearby 'Cocoon Galaxy'

Allen Lawrence, wrapping up a long career as an electrical engineer, was serious about moving his…

NASA satellite observes Tropical Storm Francisco's formation

Shortly after Tropical Cyclone Francisco formed on Feb. 5 in the Southern Indian Ocean, NASA’s Aqua…

Flood and landslides in Madagascar – January 2020

Heavy rains caused flooding and landslides across seven regions of Madagascar. Over 30 people were killed…

Flood and landslides in Brazil – January 2020

Torrential rains triggered flooding and landslides in southeast Brazil. At least 62 people were killed and…

Flood in Zambia – January 2020

Heavy rain caused flooding in Zambia, displacing around 500 people in the country’s Eastern Province. Flooding…