Image: The foam-coarsening experiment aboard the ISS

Another fluid experiment joins long running research on foam stability on the International Space Station. The…

Cryo-EM reveals unexpected diversity of photosystems

Annemarie Perez Boerema from Alexey Amunts lab has reconstructed the atomic models of new forms of…

Fresh groundwater flow important for coastal ecosystems

Groundwater is the largest source of freshwater, one of the world’s most precious natural resources and…

How awareness about the need for climate change mitigation could be turned into action

Awareness of climate change and its impacts is not enough to move people to action. New…

Why do banking crises occur?

Why did the U.S. banking crisis of 2007-2008 occur? Many accounts have chronicled the bad decisions…

From darkness to light: New findings unravel how plants control energy generation

Researchers at Western Sydney University and The Australian National University have discovered new chemical communication pathways…

Uncovering novel relationships between SLCs and cytotoxic drugs in human cells

CeMM Researchers have studied how solute carriers (SLCs), a large family of membrane transport proteins, influence…

New study unveils the mechanism of DNA high-order structure formation

A joint research team led by Professor Ja Yil Lee (School of Life Sciences, UNIST) and…

An ultimate one-dimensional electronic channel in hexagonal boron nitride

In the field of 2-D electronics, the norm used to be that graphene is the main…

Scientists propose new method for large-scale production of thermally stable single-atom catalysts

A research group led by Prof. Qiao Botao from the Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics (DICP)…