Space radar movies track motion on Earth's surface

Finnish satellite operator Iceye makes movies of activity on the ground through cloud and at night. …

Oxygen in lunar rocks suggests the moon formed in huge collision

A leading theory for the formation of the moon is that a planet called Theia smashed…

ISS Daily Summary Report – 3/09/2020

SpaceX Capture/Berthing (SpX-20):  Today, the ISS crew completed robotic capture of the SpX-20 Dragon at 10:26…

Powering the future with revolutionary lithium extraction technique

An international research team has pioneered and patented a new filtration technique that could one day…

Researchers establish new viable CRISPR-Cas12b system for plant genome engineering

In a new publication in Nature Plants, assistant professor of Plant Science at the University of…

How do you weigh a single molecule?

Utrecht scientists have succeeded in measuring the mass of individual molecules. By modifying an existing mass…

Turbulent convection at the heart of stellar activity

In their interiors, stars are structured in a layered, onion-like fashion. In those with solar-like temperatures,…

'Strange' glimpse into neutron stars and symmetry violation

New results from precision particle detectors at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) offer a fresh…

Strong signals show how proteins come and go

A novel system to amplify gene expression signals could be a game-changer for scientists who study…

Astronomers pinpoint rare binary brown dwarf

Astronomers working on ‘first light’ results from a newly commissioned telescope in Chile made a chance…