City by city. how water supplies fared in Australia's summer of extremes

Australia has just experienced a summer of environmental extremes. Water has played a key role. This…

Photosynthesis varies greatly across rice cultivars—natural diversity could boost yields

Rice is a direct source of calories for more people than any other crop and serves…

Coronavirus, rail blockades: Crisis management plans protect companies

The outbreak of the COVID-19 virus in China and the railway disruptions across Canada represent two…

Roll-up TVs and bendable smart phones: The future of flexible electronic materials

Have you heard of foldable smartphones? How about the flexible television screen that rolls up into…

Living cells and batteries: A little graphene goes a long way

Researchers at NIST have devised a way to eliminate a long-standing problem affecting our understanding of…

An environmentally friendly alternative to toxic ship coatings

High-powered, ultra-fast lasers are increasingly used in industrial applications, thanks to their ability to remove material…

New study reveals hidden impact of marine heatwaves

A new study by an international team of researchers including The University of Western Australia reveals…

Study shows effects of wildfires on health

In recent years, wildfires have grabbed the spotlight for their size, severity, and frequency, with scenes…

Is your coffee contributing to malaria risk?

Researchers at the University of Sydney and University of São Paulo, Brazil, estimate 20 percent of…

Rain, more than wind, led to massive toppling of trees in Hurricane Maria, says study

A new study says that hurricanes Irma and Maria combined in 2017 to knock down a…