Two stars merged to form massive white dwarf

A massive white dwarf star with a bizarre carbon-rich atmosphere could be two white dwarfs merged…

Huge 'space snowman' is two merging stars

Researchers have discovered an unusual ultra-massive snowman-shaped star with an atmospheric composition never seen before. …

PIA23680: Popocatepetl Volcano, Mexico

           Target: Earth Mission:  Terra Instrument:  ASTER Image Credit: NASA/METI/AIST/Japan Space Systems, and U.S./Japan ASTER Science Team…

PIA23741: Terra Sabaea Channel

           Target: Mars Mission:  2001 Mars Odyssey Instrument:  THEMIS Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/ASU Click here…

Soil life thrives between oil palm fronds

The threat to insects and other small creatures from rainforest clearance and the consequences for the…

Biometric devices help pinpoint factory workers' emotions and productivity

Happiness, as measured by a wearable biometric device, was closely related to productivity among a group…

Whether horseradish flea beetles deter predators depends on their food plant and their life stage

Horseradish flea beetles use plant defense compounds, so-called glucosinolates, from their host food plants for their…

Quantifying objects: Bees recognize that six is more than four

Writing in iScience, zoologists have shown that insects have the cognitive abilities to perform so called…

Federally protected lands reduce habitat loss and protect endangered species, study finds

Using more than 30 years of earth satellite images, scientists at Tufts University and the non-profit…

ISS Daily Summary Report – 3/02/2020

DOSIS 3D (Dose Distribution Inside the ISS – 3D): The crew swapped cables inside the DOSIS…