Sugar-poor diets wreak havoc on bumblebee queens' health

Without enough sugar in their diets, bumblebee queens can experience difficulty reproducing and shorter lifespans. …

Researchers develop a better way to detect underground water leaks

You can delay irrigating the lawn or washing the car all you want, but to really…

Corporate tax incentives do more harm than good to states: study

A study of tax incentives aimed at attracting and retaining businesses finds that the vast majority…

Study shows universally positive effect of cover crops on soil microbiome

Only a fraction of conventional row crop farmers grow cover crops after harvest, but a new…

Skin and non-adhesive cells found to play pivotal role in formation of fingers

Human fingers are sculpted from a primitive pad-like structure during embryonic development. Sometimes, this process goes…

Polymers get caught up in love-hate chemistry of oil and water

Researchers have achieved a rare look at the inner workings of polymer self-assembly at an oil-water…

Thinning, prescribed burns protected forests during the massive Carlton Complex wildfire

In the first major study following the devastating 2014 Carlton Complex fire in north central Washington,…

Robots Autonomously Navigate Underground in DARPA Challenge

Team CoSTAR, which includes NASA’s JPL, Caltech and MIT engineers, placed first. …

Distrust of past experience may underlie obsessive-compulsive symptoms

People with higher obsessive-compulsive symptoms may place less trust in their past experience, leading to increased…

Using a cappella to explain speech and music specialization

Speech and music are two fundamentally human activities that are decoded in different brain hemispheres. A…