Are cats the 'canary in the coal mine' for wildfire effects on human health?

Cats who suffered burns and smoke inhalation in recent California wildfires also had a high incidence…

Method with polarized light can create and measure nonsymmetrical states in a layered material

Some molecules, including most of the ones in living organisms, have shapes that can exist in…

Sweat sensor detects stress levels; May find use in space exploration

A researcher has developed a sweat sensor capable of monitoring levels of cortisol in the body. …

Mosaic evolution painted lorikeets a rainbow of color

A new study examines how color evolved in one of the flashiest groups of parrots—Australasian lorikeets—finding…

Researchers connect microbes in the twilight zone of the ocean with the breakdown of tough organic molecules

Seawater is more than just saltwater. The ocean is a veritable soup of chemicals. …

Biodiversity increases the efficiency of energy use in grasslands

Plants obtain their energy from the sun. Other beings rely on eating to survive. Yet how…

Researchers uncover hidden antibiotic potential of cannabis

The research team found that CBG had antibacterial activity against drug-resistant MRSA. It prevented the ability…

Melting properties determine biological functions of cuticular hydrocarbon layer of ants

The bodies of ants are covered with wax-like substances known as cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs) that serve…

New bile discovery will rewrite textbooks

Forget what you know about bile because that’s about to change, thanks to a new discovery. …

A Meeting in Orbit Demonstrates a Space Junk Solution

Two satellites docked together high above Earth on Tuesday, successfully extending the life of one that…