The hot, sometimes high-pressure, yet smooth conditions behind reflected shockwaves are the ideal environment for studying…
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So-called junk DNA hides useful compounds
Bio-Protection Research Centre scientists and collaborators have made a discovery that potentially opens the door to…
Study: Most American do not believe less discrimination against blacks means more against whites
A pair of researchers at Brock University in Canada has found evidence showing that most Americans…
Ice in motion: Satellites view decades of change
New time-lapse videos of Earth’s glaciers and ice sheets as seen from space—some spanning nearly 50…
Physicists image electrons flowing like water for the first time
Physicists at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel have imaged electrons flowing viscously through a…
Traveling back in time through smart archaeology
The British explorer George Dennis once wrote, “Vulci is a city whose very name … was…
How to Shape a Spiral Galaxy
New observations from SOFIA are shedding light on how spiral-shaped galaxies, like our own Milky Way,…
To save koalas from fire, we need to start putting their genetic material on ice
Thousands of koalas may have died in fires burning through New South Wales but expert evidence…
The problem with transport models is political abuse, not their use in planning
Transport models are often singled out as a barrier to providing more sustainable and equitable transport…
Why were tourists allowed on White Island?
The official death toll remains at five, and eight people are still missing, presumed to have…