Calling radio amateurs: help find OPS-SAT!

Calling all radio amateurs! ESA is challenging anyone with amateur radio equipment to catch the first…

Net zero: climate-saving target or delay tactic?

With the European Union set to decide whether to adopt a plan to green their economies…

Around 35,000 years ago, Central Iberia had a tundra-steppe landscape

A study just published by the journal Quaternary Science Reviews, headed by Nohemi Sala, an expert…

Life in a time of the quantified self: How apps both empower and suppress us

A healthier life and better relations with others. These are the promises made by many social…

As wild pig territory expands into city limits, public health and safety concerns increase

Whether you call them wild pigs or feral hogs, they are no longer just a rural…

Researchers criticize AI software that predicts emotions

A prominent group of researchers alarmed by the harmful social effects of artificial intelligence called Thursday…

Experiments in evolution

A new find from Patagonia sheds light on the evolution of large predatory dinosaurs. Features of…

How interacting with females increases aggression in male fruit flies

You probably behave differently when you are having a bad day than during a great one.…

Mass extinction of land and sea biodiversity 250 million years ago not simultaneous

Some 250 million years ago, simultaneous mass extinctions of marine and terrestrial life occurred in an…

Tandem tool helps students work better, participate more equitably in teams

Whether in high school or college, most of us have experienced the frustration of group work.…